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Thank-You for your interest in our company Solutions 4 You® &!

It is always a joy to meet people that want to learn and use the gifts in nature that come naturally in our products from God.

With our brands; MyForeverYoung®, Natur~PUR®, Perfect Cleanse®, Pur~Life®, SaferSoaps® & Ultra-Safe Solutions®, we are very proud to offer economical and effective botanical conditioners, creams, lotions, nutritionals, oils, shampoo's, skin care and our Ultra-Safe soaps that are hypo-allergenic & non-toxic.

All of our ingredients are 100% Natural & Organic and either derived from or grown naturally and/or are organic in nature. If you have any comments, would like to place an order, or have a question, simply contact us.


This disclaimer is set forth under the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, which grants the right to discuss openly and freely all matters of public concern (including one's own personal healing, health and spirituality) and to express viewpoints no matter how controversial or unaccepted they may be. However, certain chemical, medical groups and pharmaceutical companies have finally infiltrated and violated our sacred constitution. Therefore, we are forced to give you the following WARNINGS:

  • If you have been diagnosed with any disease, illness, pregnancy, or feel sick, please consult a medical doctor before attempting any Natural Healing Program.
  • Many foods, herbs, minerals, natural substances and vitamins can occasionally have dangerous allergic reactions or side-effects in some people. People have even died from allergic reactions to peanuts, strawberries and have even choked on vitamins and water.
  • Any program you seek on your own including natural health, especially if you are already seriously ill, could be potentially dangerous, even lethal.
  • Therefore, any natural healing method that you learn about from anyone of the parties here mentioned may cause harm, instead of the benefit you seek. We have to tell you to Ask Your Doctor First, but remember that the greatest majority of doctors have had virtually NO Education (In Fact, Less Than 4 Hours vs. 8 Years of Medical School) in foods, herbs, minerals, natural healing methods, nutrition and vitamin supplementation. They will probably even discourage or “Scare” you from trying any of these things.
  • Any of the information, products, and/or statements that you might receive from any of the parties here mentioned have not been approved nor evaluated by the AMA or FDA.

Therefore, any information or products that you might obtain from any of these parties are for educational purposes only and are not intended to cure, diagnose, prevent, or treat any disease, illness, pregnancy or sickness. If you have any disease, illness, pregnancy, or sickness, you are urged to consult a medical doctor.

Click here to view or download a PDF of this policy.

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Natur-Pur Greens8000 Organic Super-Food*

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  • S4Y Programs

    MyWHEY 100% Organic Protein Concentrate. 48 Grams Organic Protein in just 2-Scoops. 100% Raw Whey Concentrate (Organic SuperFood* Flavored & Unflavored)
    Aloe Vera Crystals 100% Pure Inner Leaf-Gel (Allergy Reduction & Candida Yeast Control
    Aloe Vera 100% Whole Leaf Liquid (Allergy Reduction & Candida Yeast Control
    Natur-PUR Centrifuge Extracted Coconut Oil - 100% Virgin - Kosher Approved - USDA Certified Organic - Processed Under 78* - GO COCONUTS!!
    Coral Calcium (Organic Raw Powder) 100% Above the Sea Harvested (NO Additives or Fillers
    Emu Oil (Grade A Certified Pure) Anti-Inflammatory - Healing - Moisturizing - Therapeutic
    100% Organic Raw Shea Butter (Unrefined & Water Extracted) Healing - Moisturizing - Therapeutic