Hello Everyone!
My name is Paul George Tima, and I would like to announce my candidacy in the 2012 Presidential race for the White House. I recently celebrated my 52nd birthday, I’m a Christian man who’s Lord and Savior is Christ-Jesus, a father and grandfather. I’m married to my beautiful and loving wife Cheryl, and we’ve been together 30-years this year. For the past 35-years I’ve been a small business owner, entrepreneur and self-employed visionary. We currently reside and work in the Greenville – Travelers Rest area of South Carolina, and have lived in several states around the country throughout the years.
Over the years I’ve watched this country and its economy slowly go down in a tailspin due to the lack of entrepreneurs, sound leadership and visionaries with enough capital and resources to put their concepts and ideas into reality and allow them to create new industries and millions of new jobs. Below you will find short paragraphs with links to full articles that I’ve written on how to lead this country forward in a positive way. Please take time to read them and join with me to make it happen for our children, grandchildren, families and friends. My Presidential theme..."2012 Return to FREEDOM".
After reading you may agree with me or disagree with me about my concepts and ideas, but I ask that you would become a Part of the Solution - Not Be - Part of the Problem. If you like my concepts and ideas, join with me, if not, please send me your ideas in a positive way so together we can make a higher standard of living for all people. If you must classify me, I would call myself an American Patriot.
I look forward to hearing from you, talking with you and working for you in the very near future.
Thank-You & May God Bless You thru Prayer,
Paul G. Tima
If you desire to help turn our country and our economy around in a positive direction overnight, then we should enact a 28th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.
Proposed 28th Amendment to the United States Constitution:
“The United States Congress will not pass or even propose any law that applies to the citizens of the United States of America, that does not apply equally to all the members of the United States Congress; and, the United States Congress will not pass or even propose any law that applies to the United States Congress, that does not apply equally to all citizens of the United States of America.”
If you desire our country to be balanced and fair, and have true equality, freedom, justice and liberty for all in our democratic laws, elections and governing process for the citizens of the United States, then we should enact a 2012 Congressional Reform Act - Return to FREEDOM.
Proposed 2012 Congressional Reform Act - Return to FREEDOM:
“ALL branches of The United States government, whether it be the Executive, Judicial or Legislative will have to agree to a legal binding contract to the following conditions and terms in order to hold any office and serve the citizens of the United States of America.” Please click here to read more
If you're goal is to return to freedom and help turn the world around in a positive direction overnight, then we should enact a few Federally Mandated Laws to start. Please click here to read more
#1 Equal Fair & Free Trade:
The First Program - is so simple that it amazes me why it has never been adopted legally with ALL major trading partners and made into law. The main theme being through the ideals of capitalism and democratic laws that you may expand the world economy at a very manageable pace while protecting the companies, the jobs and the rights of ALL workers both inside and outside of the United States. Overnight this would put our manufacturing, small businesses, technology companies and unions back to work. It works like this…
a). ALL Countries - that would like to purchase and/or trade products and/or services with the United States and likewise for the United States to do the following. Any country that exports said goods, products or services to another country in any 3-month period, must import the same wholesale dollar amount of any type of goods, products or services from that country in the same 3-month period. This would ensure equal, fair and free trade for all trading countries to have a totally "Zero Trading Deficit". Please click here to read more
#2 N.A.P. North American Projects:
The Second Program - along with my Equal Fair & Free Trade act, would help to create new industry along with millions of jobs throughout North America. N.A.P. or North American Projects will create new industries, generate wealth for millions of people, and an over-abundance of Tax Revenue for our North American Governments and States. So, let me ask you another question. Why do you think so many immigrants legal or illegal come to the United States? Could it be that they need a Job?
The answer is they need a Job! Just like us, they need to help support their families. Try putting yourself in their shoes (you know, try walking a mile in another mans shoes). So, if all of the jobs were in Canada and Mexico, where would the U.S. people go? To Canada or Mexico, because we would need to eat, live and help support our families. My concept and idea works like this…
a). The United States - If the U.S. can put a man on the moon, help build a space station, send a rocket to Mars and back, then why can’t we partner / work with our neighbors to the North and South of us to have North American Projects or N.A.P. We build several projects in unison, the first two projects we build simultaneously the length of our countries borders, one with Canada our northern neighbor, from the Atlantic to the Pacific, and one with Mexico our southern neighbor, from Baja, CA to Brownsville, TX. Please click here to read more
#3 National Retail Sales Tax (Consumption):
The Third Program - you have to ask yourself why the citizens of the United States have not demanded thru congress that it be written into our constitution and made into a Federally Mandated law. There could be sub-programs (to help certain classes of people) to enhance the main law without changing its main theme. Whether you call this a consumption tax, or even discuss a flat tax.
Along with my Equal Fair & Free Trade act and N.A.P. or North American Projects, this would help to create a balanced budget and complete fairness for ALL U.S. Citizens. The main theme being that through the ideals of capitalism and democratic law, you raise the standard of living throughout the world by raising the standards inside the United States. NOT by taxing all of your citizens wages, corporate and private capital gains to death. This will promote education, growth, innovation and renewed spirit both inside and outside of the United States. Lets call it "2012 Return to FREEDOM"
a). ALL City, County, Federal & State Income Taxes - are abolished for all legal citizens of the United States. All Capital Gain Taxes = 0%. Double taxation on corporate and private enterprise are abolished. All of you're deductions, tax returns and write-offs will be done voluntarily, unless required for legal purposes such as; alimony, child support, credit issues, disability, law enforcement, military, etc. “Keep It Simple!”. Please click here to read more
If we could balance the budget, put more money in your pocket and raise the standard of living of ALL U.S. Citizens, without all of the pressure and stress, would that interest you? Well would IT?
Let me ask...Why would we want to handicap the very people that have great concepts and unique ideas that will create new industries and millions of new jobs? Is it about greed, money, power or Slavery?
I truly believe in the U.S. Constitution & Declaration of Independence that was suppose to be written for "We the People" not "We the Government". I believe that our U.S. Constitution was written to preserve and protect our God given rights and to limit both the Federal Governments & States intrusion into our daily lives. I believe God gives us the freedom of choice and the right to bear arms to defend ones family, property, and themselves and that we possess an intrinsic right to freedom of religion and speech. I believe that our States should have democratic laws, they should be Republic & Sovereign, and that the limited roll of our Federal Government should be to assist us in the defense of our U.S. Constitution and defending the citizens of the U.S. against all enemies domestic and foreign.
I believe in capitalism, entrepreneurship, investing in innovation thru venture capital to help create new industries and millions of new jobs through lower to NO Taxes such as; reducing the capital gains and corporate tax rate to (12%) in 2012, and then continuing to reduce it (3%) each year thereafter, (9%) in 2013, (6%) in 2014, (3%) in 2015 and then finally (0%) in 2016. Please click here to read more
NOTE: The information written on the subjects below is a work in progress. If you have a suggestion (in a positive way) or subject you would like me to write something on and post it, please let me know.
For Information on Subjects:
In Summary:
I always believed our U.S. Constitution and Declaration of Independence was suppose to be written for "We the people, by the people, and for the people". I truly DO NOT believe it was suppose to be written for "We the Government, by the Goverenment, and for the Government".
Again, I do not consider myself to be a Democrat or Republican who only sees’s viewpoints one way as a conservative or as a liberal. I like to intelligently and logically look at the issues before me, pray that I will be a good steward on the issues at hand, and then either take action on the issue or vote for the person, not just a party.
In order to be the leader of the “FREE World” you lead, follow or get the hell out of the way. In order to put the United States back on track there are many issues at hand. If we want to get back to the top, we need to help the developing nations come up to our standard of living, NOT take the U.S. down to their standard. For two decades I have had a T.E.A.M. (T.ogether E.veryone A.chieves M.ore) mentality. If you want to succeed and help yourself, try helping someone else first. My desire and goal is to help raise the standards of education, health and living for you’re children, grandchildren and you. I look forward to you being a part of my 2012 Presidential Race T.E.A.M.
I may not make the Presidency, Vice-Presidency or even the Whitehouse, and as nice as people are, you will still have all types of people making all types of comments about how and why I am running for the Presidency of The United States in 2012. The bottom line is always just that, the bottom line. If I am willing to put my best foot forward in effort, faith, money and time to help you’re children, grandchildren and you. What are YOU willing to do for you're children and grandchildren?
Where Do YOU Start?
If you believe in my concepts, desires, ideas and vision, please join with my 2012 Presidential Race T.E.A.M. Then “Take Action” by donating your effort, money and time and share my ideas and website with everyone you know, your family & friends. With every blogger, chat-room, church, corporation, elected officials, fund raiser, magazine editor, news agency, newspaper, radio program, social sites (Facebook, Linkedin, MySpace, Twitter) & talk show. "2012 Return to FREEDOM" Do It Now
I look forward to hearing from you, talking with you and working for you in the very near future.
Thank-You & May God Bless You thru Prayer,
Paul G. Tima